Holy Week: More than Peeps!

Mark Van Steenwyk has a great post called the Scandal of Easter at Jesus Manifesto that I think resonates with many of us who grew up as “low church evangelicals.” Plus, don’t tell my wife, I’m in total agreement that Peeps are nasty!

Easter is coming. On Sunday, we remember the day that our Lord wrested free from the confines of the grave. It is the day when the final Enemy, death began its own march to the grave.

Holy Week is an odd time of year. My family didn’t celebrate Holy Week. To me, it was simply a day of pastel marshmallow bunnies and birds (I think Peeps taste nasty) , colored hard-boiled eggs, and jelly beans. Nothing more. Pretty lame as far as holidays go. The only one in my family who really liked Easter was my sister Chantel, but only because she loved coloring the eggs so much.

As I got older, I began to notice peculiar things about the season leading up to Easter. I noticed that on some Wednesday about a month before Easter, people got smudges of ash placed upon their foreheads. Vaguely, I knew that the ash thing had something to do with Easter. And I think I knew that Easter had to do with the day that Jesus went up into heaven or something. Read the rest

3 Responses

  1. I don’t understand why people eat plain marshmallows anyhow…so eating one that has colored sugar on the outside? Nasty!

    Now, I’d be willing to eat them in a smore. Then I’d get the added bonus of watching their little bird body melt into goo. Take THAT you peep.

  2. gentlemen, it’s a good thing this is the season of repentance. blaspheming my peeps in all their glorious sugary confection?! It’s okay… you can close your eyes and bow your head right where you’re at… I see that hand.

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