Happy B-Day!

The other day we were in a store when keila went up to the desk to pay while just holding Tessa. The lady behind the desk exclaimed…

“Wow, you look amazing for just having had a baby”

Keila blushed as she said “thank you” while the lady behind the desk turned to her co-worker to make the same point.

“She looks good for just having a baby, doesn’t she?”

After a few comments about Tessa being a cute baby, the rest of the Underwood children converged onto the scene.

With a dropped jaw the lady behind the desk asks, “these aren’t all yours, are they?”

Keila with a little chuckle said, “Yep.”

Which got the great reply of, “Girl… you look too young to have four kids!!!!”

This proves that ** years old has never looked so good! Happy Birthday my young hottie!

Be sure to stop over at her blog and wish her a happy birthday!

great day…

…well, except for the part where I got up with my youngest at 4:21 a.m. !

In the morning Trey, Karis and I headed over to the Gabriel house (the house is connected with the Catholic workers movement) for a work day. They have been working on trying to get an upstairs bedroom ready along with a bathroom. I don’t know how much help the Underwood clan was… but we tried to help where we could… plus… we brought Krispy Kream doughnuts, which always covers over a multitude of sins! 🙂

We could only stay until noon, leaving David, Chad and Matthew with the rest of the hard work. Sorry guys!

After a quick lunch one of my buddies in the neighborhood, along with his two boys, the neighbor boy (Harrison Bones… possibly the funniest 2nd grader on the planet), Trey and I went biking down on Bells Isle. A muddy blast was had by all.

When we returned, the Underwoods, Bones and Kings all gathered for a fun night of pizza and laughs.

However, the night ended on a lame note, as I spent 2 hours watching Apacaplypto. Don’t waste your time…

Now it is time to get to sleep… I’m about to lose an hour of sleep to daylight savings!

2 princesses, a pirate and a pumpkin

Aren’t they beautiful…